

Each week, we gather in the homes on Friday evenings to enjoy the Lord together! Dinner is provided so we can share our experiences of Christ during the week while feasting. After dinnertime, we sing some songs that help us to turn to our spirits. After praising and singing to our Lord, we usually have a short reading portion where we digest and absorb the riches of Christ through the Word. Through our experiences, and sharing of enjoyment of Him, we are brought on together to gain even more of Christ weekly. We encourage many to come to our home meetings not only to get to know the students and the club, but also to taste the riches of Christ!


Home meeting January 2018
Home meeting January 2018
And day by day, continuing steadfastly with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house, they partook of their food with exultation and simplicity of heart.
— (Acts 2:46)
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