2023 Trip to Fresno

This past spring break, our students went on a trip to visit Fresno! After a day trip to Lake Millerton for paddle boarding, we stayed overnight at a ranch owned and operated by a Christian family. The next day, we went to a local Zoo, then met up with other Christian students at Fresno State University for bowling. Our students had a great time enjoying the Lord together.

During our visit at the ranch, we learned how to ‘sucker’ plants and did some general farm work. The brother also showed us how grafting works both physically and spiritually. Grafting is a wonderful illustration of how we are joined into Christ. Just as a branch is grafted into the better root of a tree, we as Christians, by believing, are grafted into ‘the fatness of the olive tree’, Christ.

Romans 11:17 And you, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them and became a fellow partaker of the root of fatness of the olive tree.

2019 Reno, Tahoe, Redding, Chico

This past spring break trip enriched many of our students’ relationship with God, with each other, and with other sister clubs in the region. Getting together with others who pursue the same truths enlarges our vision of what it means to be a Christian today. Our students enjoyed many outdoor activities during the spring break, such as visiting a goat farm, skiing, boating, and venturing in caves, as well as spiritual activities such as song-writing, memorizing verses, visiting fellow Christians in the area, and praying with one another. See below!

“My highlight of this trip was spending time with the believers in Reno. I was able to stay with a couple that loves the Lord so much. We spent a lot of time talking about personal experience and the love we have for the church life instead of going to sleep, but it was just so wonderful. They also have a beautiful Ranch that was so beautiful to look at in the morning.” - Sarai R.

“My highlight of the trip is writing a hymn with Hannah and Michaela :D ! When you turn some verses into a song, it will just keep echoing in your head. What a good way to keep God's word in your heart XD !” - Linda L.


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"I thoroughly enjoyed this trip!  I have been on many spring break trips, but this was among the best I have ever experienced.  Although the schedule was quite tight the enjoyment of being with the students, the saints in the homes and in the meetings made it all very worthwhile!  I think my top enjoyment was singing with the Christians in Cambridge and in Storrs! Each time there was such a release of the spirit and oneness that is hard to describe.  The Spirit was so strong, you could taste it! I also really enjoyed the morning time with the students at the Graduate Institute for Biblical Studies in Boston. Their sharing about shepherding students was awesome, and it was a pattern to all of us."  -Student 1

"Whether it was singing and fellowshipping in the homes, singing on the street at Northeastern University, praying together, or even spending time with our hospitality, the Christ I saw and experienced was what made this trip so memorable. Not only did I get to meet many new people, but I was knit together with many of my fellow students from Davis. The overflow from their enjoyment of Christ was so enjoyable!" -Student 2

"5AM Saturday, March 31 - My eyes pop open with the realization that it's over.  We're going home. How did the week fly by so fast? Our schedule was packed: the sightseeing was fun, the meetings with the believers were full of life and learning new songs, and the one on one times getting to know the Christians receiving us into their homes were so sweet and shepherding.  Amidst the flurry of activities (and the snow flurries) we touched the eternal building of God. Seeing the Boston night lights from the Skywalk Observatory was impressive but didn't hold a candle to the shining testimony of the students and serving ones at Northeastern as we stood at a busy corner on the edge of campus singing our love and praise to the Lord.  As I participated in the prayer meetings in Newton, MA and Storrs, CT I tasted the oneness our God desires for His Body. And as I sat around the breakfast table with our host and several sisters sharing our experiences coming to know and receive Christ, I had the sweetest sense of the Lord's mercy in bringing us into His family and into the center of His purpose.  What a blessing this blending trip was! Through it I feel my appreciation of the Christ in all the believers is so real and fresh and I have an increased desire to bring others into such a rich enjoyment." -Student 3


This year's spring break trip took place in Salinas, Monterey and Merced. We visited many places including the Monterey Bay Aquarium, played volleyball by the beaches, and gathered together with believers from Salinas. We enjoyed eating authentic Mexican food made lovingly by some fellow Christians in Salinas, as well as delicious BBQ made by some Christians in Merced!


During this half-week long trip, we visited believers from the Church in Bellevue and some believers from Portland, Oregon. We visited many scenic sites (Multnomah Falls, University of Washington Campus, City of Portland, Space Needle, etc.) but were also got to know each other on a human level. We enjoyed Christ in the homes during hospitality each night and experienced Christ as the all-inclusive One that brings us together.

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As a day trip, we joined Christians in Sonoma for a campus tour during the morning, and then a fabulous home-cooked BBQ in the homes in the afternoon. Followed by some singing and enjoyment of God, we spent the rest of the day exploring the nearby beaches of Sonoma.